No Profit Award 2018 | Care Harbor – ENG

First Non - Profit organizationCare Harbor

<< The charity organization Care Harbor was given the first Non-profit Award for the reportage “Caring for the Invisible of Los Angeles”. The photographer was able to show extensively every aspect of humanitarian workers’ commitment to the abandoned layers of American society. This is a stark contrast of rich and a poor America.

A very traditional but direct way of communicating the mission of the organization, this series of pictures creates an effective narrative and depicts the subjects with respect and dignity. It brings to light a very important but often forgotten issue: the fundamental right to health. >>

Caring for the Invisible of Los Angeles

Care Harbor organizes and produces large scale free clinics bringing desperately needed medical, dental and vision care to thousands of uninsured and in-need individuals and families in Los Angeles, California – people who have nowhere to turn for the healthcare they need.  The clinics also bring together thousands of volunteer healthcare professionals who donate their time and resources to bring help and hope to the community’s most vulnerable. Patients include those living in poverty, the working poor, undocumented immigrants, and the homeless (10% of the homeless in America live in the Los Angeles area).

Care Harbor clinics provide primary and specialty medical care, dental care from fillings and extractions to root canals and dentures, and vision care including prescription eyeglasses. Everything is provided at no charge to the patients. In an era of great challenge in accessible healthcare, Care Harbor is an inspiring example of an urban community coming together to help its own. These are the patients who are “invisible” to America’s healthcare system.

To date, more than 23,000 have received free care valued at $17,400,000.  The true value, expressed in the positive change brought into these thousands of lives, is incalculable.

Images were made in 2011 and 2013 through 2017 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Sally Ryan discovered her love of photography as a teenager in Texas, and has pursued this passion professionally for over 20 years. Whether documenting healthcare at Care Harbor in Los Angeles or photographing Sufi Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan, she strives to make storytelling images that inform and inspire.

Her photography has been honored with national and international awards, most recently as a finalist for the 2017 Peter Lisagor Award in photography. In April, her photography was featured in an exhibit about the book “Eviction” by Matthew Desmond at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

In addition to her photography career, Sally is also an adjunct professor of visual journalism at The Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications at Northwestern University. She teaches courses on beginning and immersive photojournalism and multimedia.

Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Spin, ProPublica, Saveur, Time, Inc., Chicago Magazine, Time Out Chicago,, The London Times, The Dallas Morning News, Saturday Evening Post, CLAD Magazine and numerous other publications.

Sally lives in Chicago with her husband and daughter.

Care Harbor is a 501(c)(3) charity that combines the talents and expertise of healthcare professionals, event organizers, and a network of volunteer professionals and support organizations.

Care Harbor was formed with the vision that large free clinic events can provide sustainable as well as episodic care and create lasting change in the lives of the people served.

Care Harbor works in collaboration with local providers, schools, government agencies, and other regional stakeholders to assure the delivery of care to the underserved and at-risk in the community.

Care Harbor è un ente benefico che combina il talento e le competenze dei professionisti del settore sanitario, degli organizzatori di eventi e una rete di professionisti volontari e organizzazioni di supporto.
Care Harbor si è formata con l’obiettivo che i grandi eventi gratuiti dove si organizzano ambulatori, possano fornire cure sostenibili  e occasionali al fine di creare un cambiamento duraturo nella vita delle persone che vi accedono.
Care Harbor lavora in collaborazione con fornitori locali, scuole, agenzie governative e altri attori regionali per assicurare l’erogazione dell’assistenza sanitaria alle persone meno abbienti e a rischio nella comunità.